The Zamboanga City Electric Cooperative, Inc. or ZAMCELCO, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit electric cooperative duly registered under the National Electrification Administration (NEA). ZAMCELCO had its first barangay energization in 1976 where nine (9) barangays were lighted up; this marked the beginning of the historical advancement of its member-consumers way of life by utilizing the importance of electricity.
From then on, ZAMCELCO remains the primary distributor of electricity in the City of Zamboanga, covering ninety (90) barangays energized and served (On-Grid). ZAMCELCO is proud to be one of those electric cooperatives that are committed to further improve service delivery to its roughly 120,000 active member-consumers.
ZAMCELCO, the Cooperative
It can be stated with all certainty that electric cooperatives are the most dominant retail supplier groups of electricity in the country today aside from private distribution utilities, and safe to say, the best institutions in either pre or post-EPIRA era that would improve the quality of life of people in their respective franchise area – and ZAMCELCO is proud to be one of those electric cooperatives that is committed to further improve service delivery to its member-consumers.
“To be globally competitive electric cooperative providing quality service that is affordable for consumers’ satisfaction”
โTo provide world-class services that exceed consumer expectations.โ
To uphold the Rural Electrification Program and keep pace with the changing technology in the power distribution industry and foster socio-economic development to the un-energized sitios targeted by ZAMCELCO for completion in 2016.
“Servicio con amor“
Z eal in providing quality service
A dvocates transparency, honesty and accountability
M anifests solidarity among officials, employees and member-consumers
C ommitment to power quality and reliability at reasonable cost
E nsures sufficient power supply
L egacy in the Rural Electrification Program
C are for member-consumer is our priority
O bservance to standard procedures and regulated Laws
We, the Officials and Employees of ZAMCELCO, declare that we are CUSTOMER-focused. Therefore:
We believe in the value of CREDIBILITY that is borne out of the integrity of each and every individual member of the ZAMCELCO official family;
We believe in the value of UNITY because a strong sense of teamwork and collective efforts will help us accomplish our mission and realize our vision;
We believe in the value of SINCERITY and honesty in all of our dealings with our member-consumers because they deserve nothing less;
We believe in the value of TRANSPARENCY in all of our business transactions as we acknowledge accountability for all of our thoughts, words and deeds;
We believe in the value of OBEDIENCE manifested through compliance with all laws, rules, regulations, orders and policies promulgated not only by external legally-constituted authorities, but also by our own Governing Board;
We believe in the value of MASTERY of all professions, skills, trades and crafts, because there is no substitute for competence in the business we are in;
We believe in the value of EFFECTIVENESS through dedication and determination of each and every ZAMCELCO family members; and
We believe in the value of RESPONSIVENESS through decisive and expeditious actions on all matters so that we could help build progressive and peaceful communities within our area for the benefit of our fellow Zamboangenos;
So, we implore You, Almighty Father, to help us.
The government ratified Republic Act 6038 in 1969 which created the NEA as the agency responsible for rural electrification. NEA then pursued the development of electric cooperatives patterned after the rural electric cooperatives in the United States. Presidential Decree 269 was signed to supersede R.A. 6038 granting corporate powers to NEA and later amended by PD 1645 increasing NEAโs authorized capitalization. The electric service in Zamboanga City is a take-over system. It used to be provided by then City Electric Light and Telephone System (CELTS), the utility department of the local city government, until the NEA organized the Zamboanga City Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ZAMCELCO) on February 23, 1974.
The formal take-over of the operations and management of the electric service from the CELTS was on April 20, 1974. In its initial stage of operations, the management was through a NEA Management Team headed by Merlin T. Rosales as the Acting General Manager with staff namely, Ibrahim Taupan, Efren Bautista, and Joselito Carrera.
The coop was self-generating with a capacity of only 2450KW, serving fourteen (14) barangays and a total of 8,719 consumers with a workforce compliment of forty-eight (48) employees.
The call of the day was more on the rehabilitation of the vintage generating-sets, improvement of the transmission and distribution lines, specifically, the conversion of the 4800KV system to 13.2 KV design. The pace of improvement in particular, and the rural electrification in general was in high gear with assistance coming from no less than then Executive Secretary Alejandro Melchor; Thomas Niblock and Harry Baker of the USAID; Charles F. Ham of NRECA; and Rear Admiral Romulo M. Espaldon, Commanding General of SOWESCOM (now WESMINCOM) who facilitated the use of naval crafts where commercial vessels were not available.
February 23, 1974 – Certificate of Registration
April 17, 1978 – Certificate of Franchise