

On Friday — March 25, 2022, the New ZAMCELCO have successfully conducted the Member-Consumer-Owners Program for Empowerment (MCOPE) District and EC-Wide Elections for the Ten (10) Districts under the Coop’s service territory. Mrs. Daisy Tangon of Barangay Pasonanca was elected as the first-ever MCOPE ec-wide Chairperson, Mrs. Lilia Abubakar of Barangay San Jose Gusu elected […]

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As part of the Technical Programs of the New ZAMCELCO, the management has started the upgrading projects for the New Recodo Substation. This project aims to address the overloading issues of our existing Substations and at the same time provide a reliable supply to our MCOs, especially to our Industrial Consumers on the west coast. […]


Apprehension Update

On 14 March 2022 in Kasanyangan, a member-consumer of the ZAMCELCO caught a private electrician reconnecting the wirings tapped to his kWh meter, which were the source of the electricity of at least 141 households in the neighborhood. However, out of the three (3) suspected private electricians, he only caught one (1) who is now […]

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INFO-DRIVE | Sitio Electrification Program (SEP)

The New ZAMCELCO believes that there will be no economic development without electricity. It is considered a basic need. Hence, the Management continuously implements the Sitio Electrification Program (SEP) funded by the National Electrification Administration through the Electric Cooperatives aiming the total Household Electrification. On February 2-4, 2022, the New ZAMCELCO SEP team conducted an […]

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Home Welcoming of 15 brave Task-Force Kapatid (TFK) Members

WEDNESDAY | January 12, 2022, the Zamboanga City Electric Cooperative, Incorporated (ZAMCELCO, Inc.) proudly welcomes home its 15 brave Task-Force Kapatid (TFK) members headed by Engr. John Rex A. Palad who were dispatched in the Caraga Region particularly to aid the electric cooperatives (EC) such as Surigao Del Sur Electric Cooperative II (SURCECO II) and […]


Apprehension Update

APPREHENSION UPDATE | Another entrapment operation was conducted by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) at Zone 2, Buenavista on Friday, 19 November 2021. The NBI was able to identify and apprehend three (3) pilferers that have performed illegal and unauthorized power connections in the area. The Pilferers are currently under the custody of the […]



PUBLIC ADVISORY We wish to inform our valued member-consumer-owners (MCOs) that New ZAMCELCO is now FULLY VACCINATED. A total of 461 Employees of all forms and ranks, including probationary and contractual, are fully vaccinated. This is in response to our mission to serve our valued MCOs safely. The vaccines are SAFE, EFFECTIVE, and FREE!So, Letโ€™s […]

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CSR UPDATE | Christmas in ZAMCELCO is giving back a little extra to its Member-Consumer-Owners (MCOs), especially during this pandemic. Hence, the New ZAMCELCO kicks off its Christmas-themed MCO Community Pantry in participation in the Simultaneous Activity for the National Coop Month Celebration. #2021NationalCooperativeMonth #MCOPantry #CommunityPantry #1ECMCOMovement #MaagangPamaskoNiZAMCELCO


The New ZAMCELCO Scores Conviction in Campaign Against Power Pilferage

When the Zamboanga City Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ZAMCELCO) declares war against Pilferage Activities and Electricity Theft, we mean serious business. The New ZAMCELCO would like to inform the public of the first CONVICTION under the new management on Criminal Cases No. 43248 and 43249 entitled PP VS. JAKARA WADJA JADDIL, in Violation of Sections 2 […]